To provide diagnostic assessment, training, clinical and education support to neurodivergent children, young people and adults alongside their families and the wider support network, by using our blended team of clinician’s, educational staff, and people with lived experience.
Purpose of the Policy
2.1 This policy will be informed by two key legal frameworks; Working Together to Safeguard Children and the Care Act, which both aim to achieve supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults to live a life free of risk of abuse or neglect.
2.2 This policy is intended to protect children and vulnerable adults who receive any service from us, including those who are the children of adults who may receive services from us.
2.3 Under this policy, the terms children shall mean any person who is under eighteen years of age.
2.4 The company believes that no child or young person or vulnerable adult should experience abuse or harm and is committed to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.
The Risks to Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
3.1 Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults can be vulnerable to different forms of abuse and harm. It is important to recognise that abuse and harm can cover a wide range of circumstances and behaviours. For example, the vulnerable groups identified can be at risk of;
Safeguarding Principles.
4.1 The company commits to following the 6 key principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work as defined in Care Act 2014;
4.2 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm and abuse is essential responsibility for our company. We are committed to ensuring that any vulnerable persons who comes into contact with our services is properly safeguarded. Every person under this policy must ensure that they play an active role in ensuring that children are properly safeguarded.
4.3 Every person under this policy holds responsibility for;
Designated Safeguarding Lead for Autism Oxford UK;
5.2 The management and oversight of all safeguarding matter is allocated to:
Mrs Kimberley Ashwin
5.3 Oxfordshire Key Contacts; (*please search for your areas details if you do not live in oxfordshire)
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
0345 050 7666 (Monday- Thursday 08.30-17.00 and 08.30-16.30 Fridays)
Emergency Duty Team outside of these hours 0800 833 408
01865 810603
Locality and Community Support Service (LCSS)
0345 050 7666 (Monday- Thursday 08.30-17.00 and 08.30-16.30 Fridays)
Adult Safeguarding Team
0345 050 7666 (Monday – Thursday 8:30-17.00 and 8.30-16.00 Fridays)
Emergency Duty Line 0800 833 408
Confidentiality and Data Protection
6.1 All personal information we may process relating to children, shall be processed and stored in accordance with our data protection privacy policy.
Human Rights
7.1 Under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), everyone has a number of rights, which the Human Rights Act 1998 makes directly enforceable in the UK.
The following are particularly relevant to Safeguarding from Abuse.
The interference by public authorities must be proportionate to the risk or other reason for acting.
Responding to Safeguarding Concerns
7.1 Where someone is in immediate danger, any adult present should call 999. Thereafter, the designated safeguarding lead or duty lead in their absence should be contacted as soon as practically possible.
7.2 When a disclosure is provided to you, as a staff member, we will follow these key principles;
7.3 Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm the adult who has heard or witnessed this concern, the member of the team should follow our internal guidelines with support from the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Duty Lead if unavailable.
7.4 They will communicate with you actions they have/ will take with you and agree a safety plan.
Informing parents
8.1 If the disclosure is from or about a child or young person, it is important that we let them know what the concerns are and what will happen next, including who we will share information with and why. We understand this will be upsetting for many of the people we support, but will reassure them this is in their interest to keep them safe from harm.
8.2 it is best practice to inform the parent/ carers that a safeguarding referral is being made as long as it does not put the child at any increased risk of harm.
8.3 If unsure, the team should take advice from the designated safeguarding lead or from LCSS or MASH via 0345 050 7666.
Reporting concerns about other adults
9.1 Where any person has a concern regarding the conduct of an adult in connection to the company, which poses or may pose a safeguarding risk to vulnerable people such as;
9.2 This must be raised in the first instances with the designated safeguarding lead, or duty lead if unavailable, so that next steps may be agreed and actioned. We recognise that there could be circumstances where a person may need to report a matter that has taken place in a setting outside of the person’s engagement with the company.
9.3 Usually, any appropriate steps following a safeguarding referral in respect of an individual connected to the company will include either;
9.4 Any person within the company with allegations made against them shall be informed properly in a formal meeting (in person or virtual), of the particulars of the allegations and the relevant next steps which shall be taken (providing no risk to the individual is suspected). Such a meeting should ordinarily be held by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. On certain occasion such meeting may not be convened until this has been approved by any authorities involved, such as the police.
9.5 Any persons from the company who makes an allegation against another person from within the company, shall be listened to, taken seriously and shall be treated fairly and justly throughout the process of enquiries, investigations and decision making.
10.3.We shall always obtain written consent from a parent or guardian for any event which takes place with children in attendance. We will seek to obtain consent from young people (aged 16 and above) and vulnerable adults in line with the Mental Capacity Act Principles.
10.2 Consent forms will include emergency contact details and will set out any specific safety needs/ requirements.
10.3. All consent forms will be kept secure and shall be stored in accordance with our data privacy policy
11.1 On some occasions we may take photographs featuring clients accessing our services. We recognise that photography carries risks such as;
11.2 In view of these risks we will;
This policy has been approved by our CEO and Designated Safeguarding Lead.