If you have started an assessment with us, we are not able to offer feedback or provide a diagnostic outcome if the assessment is incomplete. This is to ensure we adhere to our professional standards.
Invoices will be issued at the time of booking, with payment due within 72 hours of receipt. As a small organisation, prompt payment is essential to ensure that we can continue to provide services to autistic individuals and their support networks.
If you have chosen to pay for the assessment in one instalment, you will be invoiced at the time of booking, and payment is due within 72 hours to hold your appointments in our clinicians’ diaries.
We offer a specific payment plan option that must be discussed at the time of booking. It is essential to agree on this plan with our finance department to ensure clarity and transparency. This allows us to schedule all appointments and services effectively while adhering to the agreed payment structure.
Once a payment plan is chosen, it cannot be changed due to the scheduling commitments tied to each payment approach.
Please note that we are unable to confirm appointments until payment has been received.
Therapies Support
Invoices will be issued at the time of booking, with payment due within 72 hours of receipt. As a small organisation, prompt payment is essential to ensure that we can continue to provide services to autistic individuals and their support networks.
When we start to work together, we will agree the approach and the duration and frequency of contact. We will invoice you for the appointment at the time of booking. We are a small organisation therefore we always appreciate prompt payment. This allows us to ensure our team are paid in a timely manner and that we can continue to provide a service to neurodivergent people and their support networks.
Initial appointments
All new clients using the therapies service line will have an initial appointment with a clinician. We try and ensure this is a team member from the profession you have asked for, such as an occupational therapist, however if you are unsure or if there is an urgency to your enquiry, this may be completed by another suitably experienced member of the team such as a nurse.
This appointment is to gather background information about the client along with further exploration into the reasons you are seeking the clinical input. The team members will use this information to compile a report with background information and a list of recommendations. The report is included in the price of an initial appointment. In order to pursue input from the therapies team, an initial appointment must take place.
Please note, reports will not be provided for peer support or life coaching.
Therapeutic reviews – block bookings
After 6 consecutive sessions of Occupational Therapy, Nursing or Speech and Language therapy, a review meeting will take place (*unless agreed individually with your clinician). This is to review the initial recommendations and mark progress against these. From this the team members can make further recommendations on their input. A report will be provided to the client and GP. The report is chargeable to the client at £50.
This review is essential to protect the team members and the client. It is an agreement of what service will be delivered to the client based on their recommendations and information provided by the client. For all other services not listed above, a 6-week review will take place, but a formal report will not be provided unless requested by the client
Parental/carer responsibility
When parent/carers bring their young person to attend an appointment at Autism Oxford UK Ltd premises, we ask that you remain on site where you can be easily accessed should you be required to assist.
In relation to client engagement, if you are supporting a young person (under 16 years old) to see us, we will need consent from someone who has parental responsibility for the young person. However, if your young person is assessed to have Gillick competence, then we will seek consent from them.
For adults using our services, we use the Mental Capacity Act principles and will assume capacity to consent to care and support, unless these is evidence to suggest otherwise.
Appointments will not be able to go ahead without the appropriate consent.
Reports & further input
If you require additional input from your assigned team members in the form of additional reports, supporting letters or evidence towards EHCP applications/tribunals/reviews this is chargeable. If you require the team members to attend meetings, this will be charged at the clinician’s hourly rate.
These terms and conditions set out the obligations between you, the client and Autism Oxford UK Ltd when you book training with us. These terms and conditions explain what happens once you have booked your training with us, how to make a payment, what to do if there is a problem and other important information.
Please read the terms and conditions carefully prior to confirming your booking with us. If you have any questions, please contact: – training@autismoxford.org.uk
Booking and Confirmation:
- All bookings are subject to availability.
- You are responsible for the accuracy of all information provided to us during the enquiry process.
- We will provide you with an outline of the training proposal based on the information you provided along with a fixed cost for this.
- All quotations are valid for 14 working days from the date stated. To secure the date of your training offer please email training@autismoxford.org.uk with your confirmation.
- Once confirmation has been received, an invoice will be emailed to you.
- Payment is appreciated within 7 days. We are a small organisation, therefore rely on invoices being settled promptly to continue to be able to offer a high-quality service. For this reason, if there is a significant delay in an invoice being settled outside payment terms, Autism Oxford UK Ltd reserves the right to apply a 20% late payment fee to the outstanding invoice.
- Only when payment has been received will your training date be secured.
- If the training fee is not paid in full by the training date, Autism Oxford UK Ltd reserves the right to cancel the training.
Cancellation without cause:
The following shall be payable in the event of cancellation for any reason save where cancellation is due to Force Majeure (SEE BELOW)
- 30 days or more before the date of training – 50%
- Less than 30 days before the date of training- 100% of all quoted costs
Cancellation due to force majeure:
- Where the training cannot take place on the dates agreed due to Force Majeure, Autism Oxford UK Ltd and the client shall endeavour to agree on alternative dates and shall reschedule the training accordingly.
- Where it is not possible to reschedule the training on the part of the client then this agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any rights or obligations to the other hereunder and none of the fee shall be due or payable, but expenses shall remain due and payable by the client. Any payments shall be refunded in full.
- For the avoidance of doubt, in circumstances where it is still possible for the training to take place (such as where there are restrictions in place regarding COVID-19 but such restrictions do not prevent the training from taking place) but the client chooses to cancel or postpone the training then the cancellation without cause provisions above shall apply unless the parties mutually agree to such cancellation or postponement.
- For the purposes of this agreement Force Majeure shall be defined as any cause outside the control of the client or Autism Oxford UK Ltd (including, but not limited to, the virus known as COVID-19 or similar pandemic, fire, casualty, accident, riot or war, strike, lockout, labour conditions, judicial order or enactment or incapacity or death of any key personnel required for the training)
Cancellation/Amendments by Autism Oxford UK Limited:
- In the unlikely event that Autism Oxford UK Ltd must cancel the training and an alternative date cannot be made; all monies will be refunded in full.
- In some circumstances it may be necessary for Autism Oxford UK Ltd to change the trainer/s booked. This will be done at Autism Oxford UK Ltd discretion, and we will ensure the alternative trainer/s have suitable experience to cover the specified training.
Special Conditions:
- The use of Autism Oxford UK Ltd name and image in any marketing material must be cleared by Autism Oxford UK Ltd prior to publication.
- Any slides, training materials including, videos, animation, or handouts developed for training events held by Autism Oxford UK Ltd, remain the intellectual property of Autism Oxford UK Ltd. Such materials can only be copied, shared, or reused if prior permission has been obtained by Autism Oxford UK Limited.
- The selling of any slides, training materials including, videos, animation, or handouts developed for training events held by Autism Oxford UK Ltd is strictly prohibited.
Data Protection:
- All information disclosed to Autism Oxford UK Ltd shall remain confidential and shall not be shared, copied or modified without obtaining written consent first.
- Any personal identifiable data shared with Autism Oxford UK Ltd will be held electronically for six years in line with GDPR Guidance.